Chakras are energy centers in the body. There are seven of them, each representing an aspect of a person’s health. When one or more of these are blocked, people manifest ailments or conditions. Each illness corresponds to a blocked chakra.
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Visiting a master healer should yield an accurate diagnosis, but people can take note of a few common characteristics of a blocked chakra:
Pain or discomfort: Pain is the body’s way of saying something not right. Acute pressure can be a symptom of a medical problem, but chronic, numbing pain – particularly one that cannot be easily understood or justified – can be explained by a blocked chakra. Most people experience pain in the area where something is lacking. For example, those with a blocked heart chakra often experience heart burns or have problems with breathing.
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Numbness or coldness: This is the opposite of pain but nonetheless disconcerting. Humans are meant to experience life in all its vibrancy. The absence of feeling is also indicative of a blocked chakra. In this case, the body tries to defend itself from pain and as a result, cuts feelings all together. Some people can experience a cold or chilling sensation, as if they’re about to fall ill.
Pervasive thoughts of restlessness or hopelessness: The mind can pick up non-physical imbalances and try to bring it to focus so that help can be sought. This often leads to a person feeling restless or nervous without knowing why.
There are many techniques in unblocking a chakra, including physical activity, meditation, and energy healing. Remember that these exercises can take time, particularly if one’s chakra has experienced much trauma.
Dr. Pankaj Naram is a Master Healer and is an authority in Ancient Siddha-Veda. Learn more about his work when you visit this website.