Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Treating a frozen shoulder with Marma Shakti

Frozen shoulder, which is also called adhesive capsulitis, is a medical condition in which either or both shoulder joints experience stiffness or pain. The condition generally develops slowly and occurs in three stages, namely, the freezing stage (wh...

Thursday, June 29, 2017

119 YearOld Marathon Runner on National Geographic with Dr. Naram

"Mr. Dharam Singh is not 119 years old, He's 119 years young." ~Dr. Pankaj Naram National Geographic coverage of Ancient Healing Secrets this week! This week National Geographic featured Master Healer Dr. Pankaj Naram on their TV channel in a doc...

Monday, June 19, 2017

Dr Naram Secret for Fibroids, Infertility, and women's issues (Fall 2016)

Do you know anyone suffering from fibroids, or experiencing frustration of wanting to have a child and can't? Watch this wonderful woman share her very beautiful experience with Dr. Pankaj Naram and his Ancient Healing Secrets... Hi my name is . . ...

Monday, June 12, 2017

Dr Naram Secret for Lower and Upper Back Pain and Frozen Shoulder

This man shares a fantastic experience in English and Hindi on how Dr. Panaj Naram helped him overcome debilitating back pain and frozen shoulder. Watch what is possible... [video width="1280" height="720" mp4="http://www.ancienthealing.com/wp-...

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Dr Naram Secret for Severe Allergies

[et_pb_section admin_label="section"][et_pb_row admin_label="row"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text" background_layout="light" text_orientation="left" use_border_color="off" border_color="#ffffff" border_style="solid"] Have you ...

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Dr Naram Secret for Back Pain and numbness in leg (Fall 2016 - Bakersfield)

Do you have, or know anyone with back pain, or numbness in the legs? Watch this... [video width="1280" height="720" mp4="http://www.ancienthealing.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/06/Dr-Naram-Secret-for-Back-Pain-and-numbness-in-leg-28Fall-2016...

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dr Naram - able to pray again?

Why this Doctor from London Believes in Dr. Naram and Ancient Healing This wonderful medical doctor from London also happens to be a Muslim, only for 8 years has not been able to pray on the ground because of mobility issues. That is why she travel...

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Dr. Naram Secret for Parkinsons

This beautiful woman shares from her heart a story that can change your life... Discover what Dr. Naram's ancient healing secrets can do to help those afflicted with Parkinson's disease. [embed]https://youtu.be/b1S6tbWeN_E[/embed] To discover mor...

Monday, May 22, 2017

Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Naturally With These Herbs

Image Source: perfectsupplements.com
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. For most sufferers, the only way to manage their pain is to take prescription medicine which too often has serious side effects. For most people though, taking medication cannot be helped as doing otherwise would leave them unable to perform day-to-day activities. Nevertheless, there are alternative options to consider. Among these are the Ancient Siddha-Veda practices, which Ayurveda medicine is related to. Within this form of treatment, a more holistic approach is taken to combatting chronic fatigue. This means not only addressing the symptoms head-on but attempting to nip the bud by encouraging positive lifestyle habit changes. This includes incorporating a more plant-based focus to one’s diet. Ayurveda medicine recommends the following natural herbs to alleviate the symptoms associated with chronic fatigue.

Ashwagandha: Otherwise known as “Indian ginseng” or “winter cherry,” the herb is considered to be a superfood in Ayurvedic medicine. It is believed that an ample and daily consumption of this will prolong life, combat disease, and protect the body and mind from negative stress. Ashwagandha helps patients with chronic fatigue syndrome by restoring energy and improving muscular function. Remember that an impaired neurological connection normally causes chronic fatigue syndrome. Ashwagandha is said to repair these processes, as well as regulating sleep cycles which consequently boosts the immune system and reduces the likelihood of anxiety and depression.

Rhodiola: This herb is a staple in Ayurveda and is believed to promote cognitive vitality. Evidence that suggests that the herb reduces fatigue and exhaustion in prolonged stressful situations by acting as a protective agent against cell death. Their neurological benefits help patients with chronic fatigue syndrome by improving cellular function.

Image Source: gyanunlimited.com
Brahmi: This is scientifically known as Bacopa monnieri and in local markets as Indian pennywort. This is one of the prized herbs in Ayurveda to treat Alzheimer’s disease and any form of neurological impairment. The root is said to have a relaxant effect on the muscles, which increases blood flow from the brain to different areas of the body. This proves useful for those with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Remember that a Master Healer should regulate the dose and intake frequency of these herbs -- alone or in combination -- to ensure optimum results.

Dr. Pankaj Naram is a Master Healer and a recognized authority in Ancient Siddha-Veda Secrets. For more similar reads, visit here.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Secret for MS - Manfred Gutheins, Hope Engineering & Ancient Healing of Dr. Pankaj Naram

Do you want hope, for your life, for your future? If you know anyone that has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, you will know the feeling Manfred Gutheins had. Only his was the most progressive and severe form of MS that exists. Even the do...

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Incorporating ghee into a healthy plant-based diet

For many years, Indian and Ayurvedic cuisines have been using ghee or clarified butter. Known to be a great alternative to those who have dairy-free diets, this liquid gold can be used as cooking oil, spread, and seasoning. In Indian tradition, ghee ...

Monday, May 15, 2017

Announcing Dr. Naram Products - Now Available in USA

Dr. Pankaj Naram has devoted his lifetime to discovering the most effective ancient healing formulas and making them available to you, for your vibrant healthy, unlimited energy, and peace of mind. After more than 36+ years of helping people from ...

Saturday, May 6, 2017

News Anchor reviews Dr. Naram's Ancient Secrets for Hair

This Great News Anchor shares his fantastic Experience with Dr. Naram's Ancient Secrets for Hair. How to stop Hair fall? How to regrow hair? How to have very, very good quality of hair in all-natural way? [embed]https://youtu.be/uCnTioCkxYA[/embed...

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Role Of Parents In Helping Children Overcome Psychiatric Issues

According to research by Duke Medicine, children who experience depression, anxiety, or behavioral issues are likely to face many difficulties when they become adults, even if the condition is mild or there are just intermittent bouts. Some of these outcomes are troubles in education and getting or keeping a job, criminal offenses, addiction, instability, and many more.

Image source: thebostonglobe.com

The study,though, did not single out psychiatric illnesses as the main reason for the respondents experiencing the aforementioned problems.There are other probable triggers, but having a psychiatric diagnosis or anything close to it substantially increased the odds.

Thus, there should be an emphasis in implementing early intervention to ensure that the children can transition successfully into adulthood.

While the help of medical professionals is recommended, it is arguably the parents who play the most significant role.

First of all, the parents should not discount any sign of mental health issues as “just a phase.” If there is an indication of an underlying problem, the child must be brought to a psychiatrist for proper diagnosis and to educate parents on proper steps to take.

Image source: theconversation.com

After which, the parents should ensure that the children’s psyche is healthy through correct parenting, providing the right nutrition for the children, and encouraging the kids to participate in physically-engaging activities or exercises.

A world authority in Ancient Siddha-Veda Secrets, Dr. Pankaj Naram urges parents to talk to their children and be alert if they are having issues with depression, anxiety, or behavioral problems. He also teaches the parents suitable herbal supplements for children that would help them balance emotions, do better in school, and interact more positively with the people around them. Visit this website for more information about Dr. Naram.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Understanding the marma points in a person’s body

In Vedic philosophy, such as Siddha-Veda lineage that Dr Naram is a master of, the body holds vital energy fields. Positive energy and wellness can flow from these storehouses if one knows how to clear the blockage. Unlike traditional teaching, the marma points will not be found in organs such as the liver, lungs, or heart. Instead, these points can be found in the muscles, ligaments, veins, and joints. These points hold the three pillars of life or the doshas

Image source: Tes.com

The blockage of free-flowing energy can be due to many factors. If this goes on, it might cause illness. The solution to restoring the doshas to their balance is to clear the passages by touching the marma points. There are about 108 marma points in a person’s body. In ancient belief, these sites are believed to be where consciousness meets matter. By clearing these passages through therapeutic massage and other physical therapies, a person can be healed from many chronic and acute health challenges. Balancing the doshas through the marma points can also improve a person’s state of mind and emotions. 

As marmas are subtle places in a person’s body, most people are unaware of their need to be protected. Injuring these areas accidentally might not be physically painful but it can cause unusual sensations internally. As these points are located in the neck, back, chest, stomach, head, arms, and lower extremities, these areas must be protected. 

In this highly advanced day and age, it’s important to go back to ancient secrets in order to unlock the key to wellness. These days, being wholly healthy seems a feat for many but with the right knowledge and practices, one can attain the peak of well-being. 

Image source: Global-wellbeing.com

Dr. Pankaj Naram is a Master Healer and is an authority in Ancient Healing Secrets. Visit this page for more information on ancient healing secrets.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Keeping a Healthy Lifestyle On The Road

For many, changing to a healthy lifestyle requires a lot of unlearning and control. But once a person gets used to the new normal, he or she will begin to experience the advantages of choosing the healthy path. Unfortunately, there are many situations provoking a relapse to old habits. When traveling, sometimes people forgo the need to eat healthy. This should not always be the case. Here are some tips to help a person keep up with a healthy diet even while on the road:

1. Set a food allowance.

Most people plan on splurging when they travel. But healthy eaters who want to stick to their lifestyles even on vacation can set a budget for their food so that they wouldn’t be tempted to overeat or choose unhealthy foodstuff.

Image source: Mycity-web.com

2. Bring food and drinks.

For a road trip, it would help to bring a cooler that will keep food and drink fresh. Preparing the snacks may take time but it will be worth it. Most travelers don’t end up drinking the right amount of water while on the road, which is why it’s also important to bring water to prevent dehydration and other forms of travel sickness.

3. Plan meals.

Searching for healthy restaurants and grocers in advance will help a person maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the whole journey. Instead of just choosing on the spot, including dining options as part of the itinerary will also save time.

Image source: Womansday.com
A healthy lifestyle can be maintained even when away from home. It requires a person’s willingness to prepare in advance and to go for food choices that will not be caloric afterthoughts.

Dr. Pankaj Naram has helped thousands of people around the world live better, healthier lives through his practice as a Master Healer of Ancient Siddha Veda secrets. Learn more about his work when you view this website.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Differences Between Siddha-Veda, Ayurvedic And Siddha Medicine

Many people easily interchange Siddha and Ayurvedic medicine, and very few know the distinction between these two and Siddha-Veda. Those who practice alternative healing encourage more people to discover the essential difference between these.

First, the principles that guide Siddha and Ayurvedic medicine need to be discussed. Siddha medicine is built on "ventha marunthu vinnai theerkum" which means "cooked medicine cures illness." Treatments are made through fire of some degree or another. This process is called "pudam podarathu" in Tamil. In Ayurveda, dietary recommendations can sometimes be given raw. They follow the "pudum poodatha marunthu" guide which means that "it need not be treated in fire." So while both believe in the imbalance of energy centers as the source of illnesses and disease, Ayurveda can be considered a branch of Siddha.

Image Source: rediff.com
Siddha medicine is also a closed system. That is, Siddha healers believe that there are only 4448 diseases a human body can experience. Any "new" disease found by medical science is merely a sub-condition of their recognized list of ailments.

It is often asked which branch of these two medicines is "better." There is no right or wrong answer to this. Ayurvedic medicine is, perhaps, more well-known but its principles are still based on Siddha practices. Both branches believe in the duality of nature and the elements that constitute a human body. It is believed that the body manifests illnesses based on the type of imbalance they have within themselves. These are easily corrected with proper diet and exercise.

The third ancient healing system from India, is known as Siddha-Veda. The ancient Siddha-Veda lineage that Dr. Pankaj Naram was initiated into by his master Baba Ramdas and later chosen to lead it has additional distinctions. First, whereas you may be able to learn Ayurveda and Sidda medicine in a college or from a book, Siddha-Veda healers are only taught master to student. As such it is a lineage of practitioners who have gone deeper and deeper into the ancient healing art and science.

Image Source: googleplay.com
Additionally Siddha-Veda encompases healing beyond the body, as the masters learned the ancient art and science of achievement - helping people discover: 1) what they want, 2) how to achieve it, and 3) how to enjoy what they have achieved. Dr. Pankaj Naram was bestowed from his master with the ancient scriptures which contain secrets for the body, mind and emotions. Siddha-Veda is very powerful in helping with healing the body. And yet it also goes beyond the body as well.

Dr. Pankaj Naram received his doctorate in Ayurveda, but it wasn’t until he met his master Baba Ramdas that he discovered the unbroken lineage of Siddha-Veda, which was a step beyond anything he had ever learned. Siddha-Veda is the step beyond most other ancient healing practices like Ayurveda or Siddha medicine. Dr. Pankaj Naram is a doctor or “vaidya” of Ayurveda, but is also a true living master of Siddha-Veda, which many consider is a development beyond Ayurveda based on intensive deep practice.

Dr. Pankaj Naram has helped thousands of people live better, healthier lives through his practice as a Master Healer. Learn more about his work when you view this website.